The Stellar Nursery :

Forming Stars and Planets

The Stellar nursery:

forming stars and planets

Our team consists of three full-time staff with expertises on observational star and planet formation. Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar observationally explores star formation and protoplanetary disks at multiple wavelengths, and has made pioneering contributions to understanding disk lifetimes and accretion and using emission line spectroscopy to track the structures around young, accreting stars. Scott Gregory works at the boundary of observation and theory with a focus on stellar magnetism and evolution. His work has provided predictions for how magnetic fields vary across the H-R diagram. Soko Matsumura numerically studies the formation and dynamical evolution of planetary systems and has made useful contributions to the tidal evolution of observed exoplanets. Our complementary expertise allow us to carry out numerically-supported observational work as well as observationally-motivated, state-of-the-art numerical studies of star and planet formation.

For our current project, Justyn Campbell-White joined as a PDRA to develop STAR-MELT, a portable Jupyter notebook to analyze time-resolved emission line spectra. The code is now ready and publicly available here.


Art Science

This project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between our team of star and planet formation scientists at the University of Dundee, the UK artist duo Semiconductor and Adam Lockhart, Lecturer (T&R) in Media Art & Archives at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD). Our aim is to use art as a vehicle to communicate scientific processes behind the technique of time-resolved spectroscopy to a broader public, encouraging them to think and wonder about the capabilities of mapping what is nearly invisible, and to raise awareness in science communities about what art-science collaborations can achieve.

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